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   Final Test (A) 姓名 班级 得分 听力部分 30 一、 听录音,选出你所听到的内容。(听两遍) 5 ( ) 1 A for B four C floor ( ) 2 A those B this C that ( ) 3 A evening B afternoon C morning ( ) 4 A there B three C tree ( ) 5 A on B in C under 二、 听录音,为下面的图片排序。(听两遍) 5 a ( ) ( ) ( ) d ( ) ( ) 三、 听录音,选择所听到的句子对应的中文意思。(听两遍) 10 ( ) 1 A 那个妇女是谁? B 那个男人是谁? ( ) 2 A 你几岁? B 你身体怎么样? ( ) 3 A 尺子在桌上。 B 尺子在桌上吗? ( ) 4 A 这是什么? B 这是谁? ( ) 5 A 请坐。 B 请起立。 四、 听录音,给下面的句子排序。(听两遍) 10 ( ) His cat and mouse are also small. ( ) Welcome to Toy Museum. ( ) Pigs on the farm go oink, oink. ( ) They are in the tree. 1 ( ) Close your book and off we go. 笔试部分 30 一、 根据中文,在四线三格内写单词。5 1 蜡笔 2 早餐 3 十二 4 窗户 5 喝 二、 读句子,选择适当的回答。5 ( ) 1 How old is your little sister? A I''m sorry. ( ) 2 Is this a cake? B It''s two. ( ) 3 Would you like a cake? C Yes, it is. ( ) 4 Don''t run in the library. D Yes, please. ( ) 5 What time is it now? E She''s two. 三、 根据所给情境,选择恰当的表达。10 ( ) 1 想要知道远处的东西是什么,你可以说: A What is that? B What is this? ( ) 2 告诉别人那是自己的叔叔,你可以说: A That man is my father. B That man is my uncle. ( ) 3 想知道几点了,你可以说: A What''s this? B What''s the time? ( ) 4 告诉别人不要说话,你可以说: A Don''t talk. B Don''t run. ( ) 5 让别人开门,你会说: A Close the door, please. B Open the door, please. 四、 连词成句。10 1 not, shout, do (.) 2 at, book, look, my (.) 3 this, grandma, my, is (.) 4 a, book, has, Mike (.) 5 in, please, come (.) 2 Final Test (A) 听力原文一、1 This is for my mother. 2 What''s that? 3 Good afternoon. 4 It''s an apple tree. 5 The pen is under the desk. 二、1 Don''t run. 2 It''s time for dinner. 3 That man is my uncle. 4 Sit down, please. 5 The little bird is in the tree now.三、1 Who is that man? 2 How are you? 3 The ruler is on the desk. 4 Who is this? 5 Please stand up. 四、1 They are in the tree. 2 Welcome to Toy Museum. 3 Close your book and off we go. 4 His cat and mouse are also small. 5 Pigs on the farm go oink, oink.

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