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高教版中职英语(拓展模块)Uint 4《Education》ppt课件2

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   高教版中职英语(拓展模块)Uint 4《Education》ppt课件2 9. Good social life 10. International reputation 11. Local cost of living 12. Modern teaching methods 13. Recommended by friend 14. Research expertise in your field 15. Specific content of course 16. Other factors: (state which) 1. Attractive city / town 2. Convenient location for travel 3. Cost of accommodation 4. Cultural / recreational / sports facilities 5. Entrance requirements (how easy to get a place) 6.Friends / relatives studying there 7. Good country to live in 8. Good library and study facilities * * Education Discussion skills --- Questioning An important part of discussion is asking questions. In a seminar, there is normally time for questions and discussion following the presentation. You will also need to ask questions in less formal group discussion. In either situation, unclear or vague questioning can be problematic. For example, questions may be misunderstood if the point is lost in an over-long, unfocused sentence. One practical solution is to keep your questions short. Don’t forget that , when you start to speak, you need to make clear whether you are asking a question or making a comment. Useful language Introducing a question I’ve got a question about… Could I ask a question…? Sorry, could I just ask…? Clarification Sorry, I didn’t follow what you said about…? What did you mean when you said…? Could you give me an example of …? More information I was interested in what you were saying about … Could you tell us more about…? Could you expand a bit on what you were saying about…? Checking comprehension So you mean…? So you’re saying …? Can I just check I’ve understood – did you say …? Have I got this right …? Responding to answers A final aspect of questioning is how you respond to the answer you are given. It’s important to let the person answering your question know whether their answer is satisfactory; for one thing, they need to know if they’ve said enough! If they have, it may be enough simply to nod, or you could say one of the following. Yes, I see. OK, thanks. Thanks, that’s clear now. However, you may want to indicate that you are not satisfied with the answer. That’s not really what I was asking. What I meant was… OK, but what I really wanted to know was… Sorry, I’m still not clear about… Perhaps I didn’t make my question clear. What I was really asking was … Practice Work in small groups of 4 or 5. without any preparation, tell the others about your primary school. Each student should speak for no more than 60 seconds. Someone in the group should time each speaker, and stop them if they exceed the time limit. After each person has spoken, the others in the group should each ask at least one question. Use a different expression each time you ask a question. Discussion point 1: Choosing a university / college Preparation (individual) 1. Below are some of the criteria that may influence your choice of university or college. First, select which ones you will consider, or have already considered., in making your pe

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